our Vision

We want Hawke’s Bay to be one of the best places in the world to ride a bike. That means having a comprehensive network of bicycle facilities that are safe, comfortable and convenient for people of all ages and abilities.
Our mission is to be a voice for people who ride bikes in our community. We advocate for changes that will improve the biking experience and will get more people on bikes, more often.
Our approach is based on the values of safety, respect, and action. We believe that safety should be the first priority of a transport system, and that the safest design is the best design. Streets with quality, safe infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians are inevitably safe for motorists as well.
We believe that a good transport system is built on respect for all road users and freedom of mode choice. However, we reject the car-centric approach to road-building that has dominated New Zealand for the past several decades. This approach has led to an unsustainable system that results in hundreds of road deaths a year, negatively impacts our environment, and is accessible only to those with the financial means to own and operate a motor vehicle. An equitable transport system prioritizes the most vulnerable users – people walking and using assisted mobility devices, followed by bicyclists and public transport.
The time to improve our transport system and build a comprehensive, high-quality bike network is right now. The challenges we face today – climate change, obesity, poverty – can be mitigated by changes to the way we get around our cities. But we can’t afford to wait decades for projects to come to fruition. We need bold action for immediate change.